Killick, Evan & Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti. 2024. Introduction: Contesting Control: Indigenous Strategies towards Territorial Governance in Lowland South America. Bulletin of Latin American Research 43(2):101-103.
Killick, Evan & Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti. 2023. Indigenous transformations in the comunidad nativa: rethinking kinship and its limitations in an expanding resource frontier. Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America. 19(1):128-146.
Carmenta, Rachel et al. (incl. Evan Killick). 2023. Connected Conservation: Rethinking conservation for a telecoupled world. Biological Conservation. 282 (2023).
Killick, Evan. 2021. Hybrid houses and dispersed communities: Negotiating governmentality and living well in Peruvian Amazonia. GeoForum. 119:279-288.
Killick, Evan. 2020. Extractive Relations: Natural Resource Use, Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Protection in Peru. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 39(3):290-304.
Killick, Evan. 2018. Rubber, terra preta and soy: a study of visible and invisible Amazonian modernities. Journal of Anthropological Research. 74(1):32-55.
Andersen, LE; B. Groom; E. Killick; J.C. Ledezma; C. Palmer; & D. Weinhold. 2017. Modelling Land Use, Deforestation, and Policy: A Hybrid Optimisation-Heterogeneous Agent Model with Application to the Bolivian Amazon. Ecological Economics. 135:76-90.
Killick, Evan. 2014. Whose Truth is it Anyway? (A discussion of the ontological turn and Martin Holbraad’s Truth in Motion: The Recursive Anthropology of Cuban Divination). In AOTC Issue 9.
Weinhold, Diana; Evan Killick & Eustáquio J. Reis. 2013. Soybeans, Poverty and Inequality in the Brazilian Amazon. World Development. 52:132-143.
Killick, Evan. 2013. Trade, Exchange and Markets in Indigenous Latin America – An Introduction. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 18(1):e1-e7.
James, Deborah & Evan Killick. 2012. Empathy and Expertise: Case Workers and Immigration/Asylum Applicants in London. Law and Social Inquiry. 37(2):430-455.
Killick, Evan. 2011. The Debts that Bind Us: A Comparison of Amazonian Debt-Peonage and US Mortgage Practices. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 53(2):344-370.
Killick, Evan. 2010. Ayompari, Compadre, Amigo: Forms of Fellowship in Peruvian Amazonia, In The Ways of Friendship: Anthropological Perspectives. (eds) A. Desai & E. Killick. Oxford: Berghahn.
James, Deborah & Evan Killick. 2010. Ethical dilemmas? UK immigration, Legal Aid funding reform and case workers. Anthropology Today. 26(1):13-15.
Killick, Evan. 2009. Ashéninka Amity: A Study of Social Relations in an Amazonian Society. J.R.A.I. 15(4):701-718.
Killick, Evan. 2008. Creating Community: Land titling, education and settlement formation amongst the Ashéninka of Peruvian Amazonia. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. 13(1):22-47.
Killick, Evan. 2008. Godparents and Trading Partners: Social and Economic Relations in Peruvian Amazonia. Journal of Latin American Studies. 40(2): 303-328.
Killick, Evan. 2007. Autonomy and Leadership: Political Formations among the Ashéninka of Peruvian Amazonia. Ethnos.72(4):461-482.
Edited Volumes and Special Issues
2024. Contesting Control: Indigenous Strategies towards Territorial Governance in Lowland South America. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 43(2).
2013 Commodities, Exchange and Outsiders in Indigenous South America. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. 18(1).
Desai, Amit & Evan Killick (eds). 2010. The Ways of Friendship: Anthropological Perspectives. Oxford: Berghahn Books.