My pedagogical approach is founded on my belief that higher education is at its best when it fosters an open and equal space for dialogue and co-learning between all its participants, leading to the active and continuous production and revision of knowledge and understanding from which all of us, both students and educators, gain.
While this approach underpins my undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at the University of Sussex it is also reflected in my work with Indigenous students in Peru. Recent examples of this are projects with UCSS NOPOKI and UNIA. The UNIA work led to students gaining official certification from Peru’s National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC) for responsible conduct in research and their winning of scholarships to fund their thesis research. At UCSS NOPOKI we supported students to produce their own short documentary films.
Another example of my approach was my recent engagement with students in the coproduction of pedagogical and curriculum development around a specific 2nd year core module in International Development at Sussex. As well as being an interesting and important process in and of itself, the engagement improved the diversity of the module’s pedagogical materials and approaches while ensuring that its topics and theoretical engagement remained relevant to students.

Current PhD Students
Daniela Soto Hernández: The Energy Transition and Lithium Extraction in Chile: Decolonizing Resource-Maaking in the Solar de Atacama Basin
Arthur de Queiroz Campos: Incorporation of Difference in the Brazilian State: A perspectivist analyses of the Indigenous Soldiers in São Gabriel da Cachoeira
Lindsay Duffield: What happens when nothing happens? Renegotiating human-forest dynamics in the shadow of bioeconomy aspirations and idle land deals in South Cameroon

Recently Completed PhD Students
Evelyn Browne (2016-2021) Intimacy, Community and the Nation among Cuban Lesbian and Bisexual Women.
Will Lock (2016-2021) The role of Private Organisations in the Conservation of Land in the Peruvian Amazon.
Matthew Doyle (2014-2019): ‘We are all originarios’: Political Conflict and Identity in Contemporary Bolivia
George Byrne (2013-2019): Making Up the Optimum Other? Selection, Climate Change and Being Indigenous
Valerio Colosio: (2013-2018) ‘Children of the People’: Integration and Descent in a Former Slave Reservoir in Chad